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BverfG 3 © Paul Lovis Wagner / Gesellschaft für Freiheitsrechte e.V.
Banner_FöMis_22 Bundesverfassungsgericht Schriftzug Zoom

Freedom needs fighters

Protecting fundamental rights in court

We defend fundamental and human rights through legal means.

Banner_FöMis_21 Aktivismus Unterschrift gespiegelt blau © GFF, Chris Grodotzki

Every case can be a success for our fundamental and human rights

The Society for Civil Rights fights for fundamental and human rights through legal means.

GFF Geburtstag ©GFF, Agata Szymanska-Medina

Strategic litigation

We want to win landmark cases that make German and European law more humane and just.

Banner_FöMis_32 Black Lives Matter Protest Rot Lizensiert von Pixabay

Winning precedent-setting cases

The GFF and its partners go to court to protect fundamental and human rights in Germany and Europe.

Grundrechte verteidigen.
Fördermitglied werden!