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The Society for Civil Rights (Gesellschaft für Freiheitsrechte e.V. or "GFF") defends fundamental and human rights by legal means. To this end, we use strategic court cases and legal interventions, such as studies, statements or draft laws. We see ourselves as legal insurance for the German Basic Law. We currently focus our efforts on three key areas. Through our work we strengthen democracy and its supporting pillars by promoting good framework conditions for civil society, the press and whistleblowers. We defend digital freedom rights against disproportionate surveillance and data hoarding by the state and corporations. We support people in their struggle against exclusion and discrimination in different areas of life and are committed to equal social participation of all people. We are not a law firm and do not provide legal advice. We promote democracy and the rule of law by purposefully selecting strategically relevant issues and cases, in order for fundamental rights to become a reality.

Strong Fundamental Rights for a Vibrant Democracy

Many individuals and organisations provide an essential contribution to a vibrant democracy and an open society through their work and commitment. Journalists, whistleblowers, activists or NGOs – we stand by their side and defend their rights when their work and their rights are being obstructed or restricted. We protect communication freedoms, since they are central to a free exchange of opinions as well as free access to knowledge and information.

Freedom in the Digital Age

Security is not an end in itself, rather a means towards realising our civil liberties. We challenge disproportionate laws that provide excessive powers to state agencies such as the police and secret services and pave the way for comprehensive surveillance of the population. The protection of privacy and self-determination over one's own data is crucial. We oppose increasing surveillance through comprehensive data storage.

Equal rights and Social Participation

People are being excluded and marginalized on the basis of certain characteristics such as gender or origin. Together with our plaintiffs, we draw attention to the injustice they experience - and that their basic rights are being violated. We work in the knowledge that discrimination is an expression of social power relations. Through our cases, we want to help break these up and promote social change.

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