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The GFF comes to your city for seminars, lectures and public evening events

To mark the 75th anniversary of the Basic Law, the Gesellschaft für Freiheitsrechte is touring from campus to campus. We are discussing exciting fundamental rights issues and current cases with students and interested members of the public. We want to get into conversation with you during lectures and seminars. Evening events will also be held in several cities, to which we cordially invite all interested parties.

Sponsored by the ZEIT STIFTUNG BUCERIUS and the Nemetschek Foundation, we are visiting nine universities in the summer semester of 2024. We will provide insights into the work of the GFF, talk about strategic litigation and legal work with a focus on fundamental and human rights. Using current topics, we seek a critical examination of the Basic Law: how are fundamental rights perceived and how can we enforce them effectively?

While we mainly cooperate with chairs for the lectures, a large number of experts from the world of GFF also take part in the evening events. We have invited plaintiffs, academics and activists to the panel discussions. Together, we will talk about issues such as abuses in the healthcare of refugees, racism in the police force and fundamental rights issues from an East German perspective.

University tour stops are also being planned for the winter semester! So if your city is not included in the summer semester, please check our website again later to see whether we will be visiting you in the winter semester.

24.04.2024 18:00h - Mainz - Lecture

As part of a lecture at the chair of Prof. Matthias Bäcker at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, our procedural coordinator Simone Ruf reports on our current constitutional complaint against unconstitutional data mining with Palantir in the NRW Police Act.

As part of a02.05.2024 12:00 - Mainz - Lecture

On 02.05. we're going straight to Mainz again! This time, GFF lawyer Jürgen Bering will be talking about digital fundamental rights. He will be a guest in a lecture by Prof. Dr. Schneider and will talk in particular about strategic litigation in general and the work at GFF.

07.05.2024 18:00 - Münster - Lecture series

On May 7, GFF Fellow Luisa Podsadny will be coming to Münster. She was invited by the team of the lecture series "Recht Kritisch Denken" and will speak on strategic litigation. Together with Klaas Müller from Verfassungsblog and chair holder and GFF board member Prof. Dr. Nora Markard, we will discuss legal mobilization and present insights into practice. The event is aimed at students in the intermediate examination, students with a focus on law and students of the two-subject Bachelor's programs.

Location: JUR1, Juridicum, Universitätsstraße 14-16, 48143 Münster

14.05.2024 18:00 - Frankfurt an der Oder - Panel discussion

On May 14, our Board member Dr. John Philipp Thurn will be part of the exciting panel "75 years of the Basic Law and a non-event" at the Viadrina in Frankfurt an der Oder. Moderator Prof. Dr. Eva Kocher will talk to him, historian Prof. Dr. Kerstin Brückweh, Prof. Dr. Jan Thiessen and Katarzyna Witoszek about the support of the Basic Law in East Germany. The focus will be on legal strategies for better protection of fundamental rights in Brandenburg and what is often overlooked in discussions on fundamental rights from an East German perspective. Prof. Dr. Kerstin Brückweh, editor of "Die Wiederbelebung eines 'Nicht-Ereignisses'", will talk about this current book, which examines why the Basic Law was not replaced by an all-German constitution after 1989. The discussion will be enriched by Katarzyna Witoszek, advisor to Polish border workers, and Prof. Dr. Jan Thiessen, Professor of Civil Law and Legal Contemporary and Economic History. We are looking forward to the event and cordially invite all interested parties to join us in the discussion. After the event, there will be an opportunity for further discussion over a small snack.

Venue: HG 109 (Senate Hall), Große Scharrnstr. 59, 15230 Frankfurt (Oder)

30.05.2024 18:00 - Erfurt - Lecture

Equal pay is not a matter for negotiation: Sarah Lincoln, head of our "Equal Rights and Social Participation" focus area, talks to Prof. Dr. Michael Riegner and our plaintiff Susanne Dumas about our Equal Pay lawsuit. Following this successful lawsuit, the Federal Labor Court will issue a landmark ruling in 2023 that employers may not deviate from the principle of "equal pay for equal work" simply because a man demands a higher salary than his female colleague. The event is open to university students.

05.06.2024 14:00 - Frankfurt a.d.O. - Lecture

On June 5, our board member Dr. John Philipp Thurn will attend a seminar by Prof. Dr. Eva Kocher. He will bring one of the best-known GFF cases with him: The successful constitutional complaint against the Bavarian Constitution Protection Act (2017-2022). Together with the seminar leader Eva Kocher, the concrete insights into the work of the GFF will be critically questioned: How does the GFF find suitable cases? Who is eligible as a plaintiff? And what political considerations are important in order to critically classify the possibilities and limits of strategic litigation for legal enforcement? The invitation to participate in the session is addressed to all interested Viadrina students.

12.06.2024 18:15 - Giessen - MeDiMi Impulse

On June 12, Sarah Lincoln will give a lecture in Giessen as part of the research group "Human Rights Discourses in the Migration Society" (MeDiMi Impulse). She will speak with Janina Gach from Ärzte der Welt e.V. about the joint efforts to abolish Section 87 of the Residence Act and the lawsuit "Ohne Angst zum Arzt". They will report on the procedure to date, (mis)successes and the opportunities for people in the fields of medicine and law to become active themselves in order to stand up for health care that complies with human rights.

The event is a cooperation of the Hochschultour with the scientific staff of the research group MeDiMi / GGS-AG MeDiMi in cooperation with the GGS section Global Health & Human Rights, the Gesellschaft für Freiheitsrechte e.V. and Ärzte der Welt e.V. The event is open to all interested parties.

Livestream: https://www.youtube.com/live/-...

Further information can be found on the MeDiMi Impulse event page: https://www.medimi.de/de/topic...

13.06.2024 19:00 - Kassel - Panel discussion

Am 13.06. geht’s für uns nach Kassel. Unsere Juristin Laura Kuttler wird mit Bahar Aslan, Lehrerin und GFF-Klägerin sowie Laila Abdul-Rahman, Juristin und Kriminologin im Projekt "Körperverletzung im Amt durch Polizeibeamt*innen" der Uni Frankfurt, sprechen. Laura Kuttler ist Koordinatorin im Projekt "Mach Meldung", welches Whistleblowing in der Polizei etablieren will. Es soll um Kritik an Rassismus in der Polizei, rassistische Polizeigewalt, und Möglichkeiten und Grenzen von (juristischen) Reformen gehen. Die Veranstaltung findet im UNI:lokal statt, ist eine Kooperation mit dem Kassel Institute for Sustainability und für alle Interessierten öffentlich zugänglich.

Mehr Infos zum Fall

01.07.2024 16:00 - Berlin - Lecture

As part of the lecture on anti-discrimination law and more specifically on legal practice and enforcement, GFF anti-discrimination expert Soraia Da Costa Batista will give an insight into GFF's work in the field of anti-discrimination law and answer further questions after the session. The event is aimed at law students.

01.07.2024 16:00 - Berlin - Lecture

GFF lawyer David Werdermann will be part of an exciting panel discussion at Bucerius Law School on 03.07.2024 at 19:00. A recent investigation by the media collective Correctiv has impressively demonstrated that our fundamental rights are under attack. The revelation also makes it clear how important investigative journalism is for the defense of our democracy. But what are the conditions under which investigative research takes place? How do journalists think about their role? And what is the current state of press freedom in Germany after 75 years of the Basic Law?

This will be discussed on 03.07.2024 at 19:00:

  • Georg Mascolo, journalist and publicist
  • Jean Peters, Senior Reporter at CORRECTIV
  • Nina Schoenian, Managing Director of Greenpeace e.V.
  • David Werdermann, lawyer at GFF
  • Moderation: Fee Weinberger, student in the class of 2020

    The event will take place at Bucerius Law School, Moot Court (Room 1.21).
16.07.2024 18:00 - Berlin - Evening event

GFF lawyer David Werdermann will be part of an exciting panel discussion at Bucerius Law School on 03.07.2024 at 19:00. A recent investigation by the media collective Correctiv impressively demonstrated that our fundamental rights are under attack. The revelation also makes it clear how important investigative journalism is for the defense of our democracy. But what are the conditions under which investigative research takes place? How do journalists think about their role? And what is the current state of press freedom in Germany after 75 years of the Basic Law?

This will be discussed on 03.07.2024 at 19:00:

  • Georg Mascolo, journalist and publicist
  • Jean Peters, Senior Reporter at CORRECTIV
  • Nina Schoenian, Managing Director of Greenpeace e.V.
  • David Werdermann, lawyer at GFF
  • Moderation: Fee Weinberger, student in the class of 2020

The event will take place at Bucerius Law School, Moot Court (Room 1.21).

16.07.2024 18:00 - Berlin - Evening event

On July 16, 2024, GFF, the Refugee Law Clinic, the Fundamental and Human Rights Clinic and the Law and Society Institute invite you to an exciting panel discussion on strategic litigation. Adriana Kessler, lawyer and co-founder of JUMEN, and Sarah Lincoln, head of the focus area "Equal Rights and Social Participation" at the GFF, will discuss with you the opportunities and challenges of strategic litigation in asylum and residence law.

The event starts at 18:00 in lecture hall 2091-92 at Humboldt University Unter den Linden 6. After the discussion, there will be an opportunity for further networking and exchange. Snacks and drinks will be provided at the end of the event.

The event is wheelchair accessible. Hybrid participation is possible. Registration is requested: https://tickets.freiheitsrecht...

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