Conference: 9/11, two decades later: a constitutional search for clues
Zusammen mit bpb und Verfassungsblog begeben wir uns zwei Jahrzehnte nach 9/11 auf eine verfassungsrechtliche Spurensuche.
The attacks of September 11, 2001, were a world political caesura and the beginning of a multi-layered state of emergency. This can be seen in many sociopolitical areas - with tangible consequences for our constitution and for the reality of fundamental rights. Be it stricter security laws, expanded surveillance capabilities, the linking of migration and security policy, or increased foreign deployments of the Bundeswehr. All in the name of fighting terrorism.
Together with the Federal Agency for Civic Education (bpb) and the Verfassungsblog, we are going on a search for clues on the occasion of the Day of the Basic Law on May 23. We want to find out how the attacks have changed the perception and thinking of many people and the actions of politicians and security authorities, and where this puts our fundamental rights at risk.
In order to do justice to this multi-layered topic, we have recruited numerous speakers from academia and civil society, who will bring us a step further with their expertise. Listen to around 12 lightning talks on exciting topics on three stages. Afterwards, equipped with new knowledge, you can participate in our workshops and exchange ideas in smaller groups.
The conference was the conclusion and highlight of a series of events.