David Werdermann
David Werdermann is a lawyer and project coordinator at the GFF. He studied law in Freiburg and Manila. He then worked and conducted research on migration and constitutional procedural law as a research assistant at the Institute for Political Science and Philosophy of Law at the University of Freiburg. He completed his legal clerkship, among others, at the Federal Anti-Discrimination Agency, at the GFF, in a law firm in Berlin dealing with residence law, and at the Federal Constitutional Court. Most recently, he earned an LL.M. in International Migration and Refugee Law at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, where he focused on the social rights of migrants. In addition to his work at the GFF, David works as a lawyer in a freedom of information law firm.
Topics for interviews and background discussions
- Protection of whistleblowers, implementation of the EU Whistleblowing Directive
- Data protection at universities
- Tightening of police laws in the various german states
- Access to information under the Freedom of Information Act and press law
- Right of assembly
- Social rights of migrants