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Malte Spitz

Malte Spitz

Secretary General

"Day after day we fight to defend our fundamental and human rights, we are the legal protection insurance of the fundamental law."

Malte Spitz is Secretary General of the GFF as well as an author, activist and civil rights and data protection consultant. He published the books "What are you doing with my data?" and "Data - The Oil of the 21st Century? Sustainability in the Digital Age" by Hoffmann und Campe. He is a member of the "Bündnis90/Die Grünen" Party Council at the federal level. Politically, he works primarily on the topics of media policy, civil rights and network policy. He speaks as a speaker and publishes on the topics of data protection and the digital transformation in business and society.

Topics for interviews and background discussions

  • Political shaping of digitalization (including algorithms, artificial intelligence, digital administration, control of large companies)
  • data protection and surveillance (both government agencies and the private sector)
  • ethical implications of digitalization
  • transparent and open politics and administration
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